Strategy Sessions

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Why End of Year Strategy Sessions are Essential

Open Eye’s Strategy Sessions are an efficient way to get an individual or a team aligned around their goals for the next year and map those goals to objectives and metrics of success.

With the end of the year quickly approaching, it’s never too early to get a head start on your plans for the new year! In order for your company to be operating at peak efficiency and productivity, it’s important to create a strategic plan for how you want to perform over the next twelve months. Luckily, with the help of Open Eye’s Strategy Sessions, you won’t have to create that plan entirely on your own.

From setting budgets to creating operational blueprints, your business plans for the next year need to be grounded in a strategy. Open Eye’s Strategy Sessions are an efficient way to get an individual or a team aligned around their goals for the next year and map those goals to objectives and metrics of success.

What can you expect from a Strategy Session?
Your in-person or virtual Strategy Session will be held with two experts who are chosen based on a pre-Strategy Session questionnaire. Once we’ve matched you with the best experts for your team, we’ll work on defining what success looks like for your company using a series of proprietary questions.

“Small business owners and non-profit leaders approach us with questions about what to do next in their business to sustain growth and profitability,” says Taylor Tricarico, Executive and Managing Partner at Open Eye. “We lead them through an exercise that starts with gaining a clear understanding of their ‘WHY’: why they exist, what their values are, and how they define success for their business.”

Once our experts have worked with you to determine your goals, they’ll get to work on mapping out your strategic plan by breaking those goals up into manageable objectives that you’ll need to complete in order to reach your goals.

Why does your company need a Strategy Session?
“If you know what your company should be accomplishing over the next twelve months, you can budget for it, staff for it, and plan for it,” says Taylor. “You’re going into the new year with a clear idea of the incremental steps you need to make to meet your goals.”

The plan you’ll create from your Strategy Session can not only be used for year-in-planning but also employee communication, fundraising, and more. “It creates alignment across leadership and teams to understand the strategy they’re focusing on with objectives for the next year,” Taylor says.

Why do you need Open Eye to help you create a strategic plan?
It is possible to create a strategic plan on your own, but ultimately, it will be more beneficial for you and your company to have input from experts in your field. “You should refresh your strategy annually, and it should be re-centered around clear goals and objectives,” Taylor says. “Sometimes, when you’re really close to your business, it can be difficult to do that, so we provide expertise and outside insights that can crystallize strategy or uncover new opportunities for meeting your goals.”

When your Strategy Sessions is complete, you will be equipped with the tools you need to help your company succeed. “Ultimately, the client leaves the session with both clarity and confidence,” Taylor says. “They know what they need to accomplish and how they’re going to achieve their definition of success.

Virginia Shircliffe

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